Aerated concrete Blocks made to measure

Do you have questions? Send them to us

We can also be reached for your questions via e-mail or the contact form below.

Collection location

Nikkelstraat 4
6031 TR Nederweert
The Netherlands

When to pick up?

Collection is possible from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on working days. Always make an appointment for this.

Direct contact


Company details

Chamber of Commerce number: 66284554
VAT number: 856479482B01

BENOR certified: 002/615

Delivery in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany (on request) is possible.

Collection possible by appointment

Visit our cellular concrete sawmill

Custom aerated concrete

"From advice to delivery, we are the number 1 in aerated concrete. Our dedicated team is ready to answer all your questions and make your project a success. Feel free to contact us for a collaboration that is as solid as aerated concrete!"

Why actually use aerated concrete blocks?

Build like lego

Aerated concrete blocks are known for their high strength and stability. They have a solid structure that can withstand various loads, making them ideal for structural applications. Whether for load-bearing walls or walls between rooms, aerated concrete provides reliable support.

In addition, aerated concrete blocks are lightweight compared to traditional brick or concrete blocks. This makes them easier to handle and install, resulting in a more efficient construction process.